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Renovate Your Home With Free Help!

a book and a set of headphones

As I have gone through my renovating and DIY journey with my home I have on many occasions finished a job realized it took a lot longer than I anticipated. I then thought. "I bet there was a tutorial for that or something that could have made it less frustrating and faster." I recently found this solution. Audiobooks. Now I look up an audio book find the chapter of the job I'll be working on. Listen to it on my drive to work and then complete jobs with way less frustration and time spent. Below is some of the books I have used and recommend. Also there is always a free trial period with Audible so you can download a book check it out and gain some benefits without even costing you anything. Not to bad. Ok lets get started with these great books.

the cover for the audio book solar power for beginners

Learning to utilize solar power for your home – A technical guide covering the design guidelines, installation and maintenance aspects of grid-tied and off grid systems. This audiobook will take you from the fundamentals of solar power system designs, and installation, to planning and installing grid-tied or off-grid systems. For both homeowners and those entering the renewable energy market, take control of solar power by learning about its use in residential properties.

The cover for the audiobook plumbing 101 for homeowners

The Beginner’s Secret Guide of Expert Plumber. Unlock the secrets of plumbing with this expert guide designed exclusively for homeowners: Old House Issues & Solutions, Update Uniform Plumbing Code Study Guide Version 2021 Latest Techniques for Bathroom Repair. This audiobook demystifies plumbing – from seeing common challenges in old houses to being familiar with the latest techniques for bathroom repair. This guide, written by an expert plumber is your savior as you delve into the nuances of home plumbing and gain tips to maintain your water system at home.

The cover for the Audiobook Design a Healthy Home

3.       Design a Healthy Home:  

100 Ways to Transform Your Space for Physical and Mental Wellbeing This audiobook will transform your living space into a haven of physical and mental health. Providing 100 realistic and implementable tips to help you optimize your home environment, this course is a comprehensive guide on layouts and décor as well as incorporating elements that add to health and positive mood of people. Even if you are or aren’t a design aficionado but want to make your home environment healthier, this audiobook offers guidance and inspiration for a healthy space that is all about peace of mind.

The cover for the audiobook Woodworking for Beginners

The Step-by-Step Guide with Tools, Techniques, Tips, and Starter Projects With this beginner’s handbook, you are sure to take the first steps in your woodworking adventure. Not only for the experienced DIY enthusiast but also the beginner. This audiobook provides a detailed set of instructions for basic tools, techniques and hints. The book offers everything you need to know about wood selection and projects, from understanding basics to honing hand skills with specific assignments. Immerse yourself in the realm of DIY woodworking and realize your own creative ideas with this inspiring and instructive series.

The cover for the audiobook the home edit

5.       The Home Edit:

An Introduction to the Process of Organizing and Completing Your Home Goals Are you ready to change your home into a neat and tidy place with the help of “The Home Edit” audiobook? This is the ultimate guide for those who want to conquer clutter, make optimal use of space and achieve desired house goals. This is a journey that is coauthored by organizational experts and guided through practical advice, creative strategies, and case examples of success. Find out how to declutter every room in your house, use ingenious storage devices and create beautiful spots that will look great on Instagram. If you’re a born neat freak or serial clutterer, "The Home Edit" will arm you to dictate your world and transform that old house into an organized home. Harness the power of decluttering and turn your dreams into reality by adopting an organized lifestyle through this breakthrough audiobook.

So there you have it some of the best audiobooks that are currently free. These will help you get started on your home journey! For more great tips, tutorials, and product recommendations checkout out full blog page at:

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